The crime show “Law & Order” returns to television with season 21 after a long break. Netzwelt explains how you can now see the new episodes of the cult series in Germany.
- “Law & Order” returns to television for Season 21.
- The crime series had previously been idle since 2010.
- In Germany you can see the new episodes on pay TV channel 13th Street.
“Law & Order” is about law and order again in the incredible 21st season. The special thing about it: the series has actually been part of the TV past since 2010 – because there were no new episodes for 12 years.
Now the US home broadcaster NBC has already shown the reboot of the crime format about the law enforcement officers in the urban jungle of New York – and is now releasing the new episodes for the German TV premiere on pay TV station 13th Street.
There, the 21st season of “Law & Order” will run all day long in marathon mode.
13th Street: This is how you receive the pay TV channel
The 13th Street TV channel cannot be accessed as part of normal TV offers, as it is a pay TV channel. However, you can obtain this from various TV and streaming providers.
Pay-TV provider Sky, Telekom entertainment service Magenta TV, TV customers from Vodafone and 1&1 and the TV streaming service have the option of receiving 13th Street.
Netzwelt tells you everything about the reception of 13th Street and which TV packages of the providers mentioned contain it.
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