New PS5 firmware update has been released to improve performance

The Boss

New PS5 firmware update has been released to improve performance

firmware, improve, performance, PS5, released, update

Sharif Said
July 8, 2021 11:39 GMT

There is a new firmware update for your PS5.

Sony released a new system update Game console 5 The console earlier this morning.The new firmware version is 21.01-03.21.00, Compared with last month’s 21.01-03.20.00 only slightly changed.

Although it turns out that the June update is quite impressive in terms of the fixes it contains, so far this update has proven to be a standard incremental update that PlayStation users should be very familiar with. So far, the only official patch note is “Improved System Performance”, but we will pay close attention to the support page in case the correct instructions appear.

As always, this is a 902MB download on your console, and if you put the PS5 in rest mode, it should automatically download and install.

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