Nintendo Direct: Do eShop updates hint at release coming soon?  (Rumor)

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Nintendo Direct: Do eShop updates hint at release coming soon? (Rumor)

Coming, Direct, eShop, Hint, Nintendo, release, Rumor, updates

It has been some time since the last edition of a Nintendo Direct conference, but a number of fans now want to have identified indications in the eShop that there could be a new episode in the near future.

Nintendo has now been presenting upcoming titles at more or less regular intervals via direct conferences for some time now, but it has been a long time since the last such transmission. To be more precise, it was last in September 2022 when, for example, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom finally confirmed the final name and date for the sequel to Breath of the Wild or Pikmin 4 was announced.

The Japanese have been surprisingly calm since then, but it could be the calm before the next storm. Resourceful Nintendo disciples have now noticed some innovations in the eShop and conclude that the next Direct issue could be imminent.

Several upcoming games in the Nintendo eShop have received new NSUIDs, including Advance Wars 1+2: ReBoot Camp and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. These codes are used internally to identify and differentiate games and sales regions. The implementation of such new NSUID codes is therefore often seen as preparation for the (pre-)sales start of the corresponding games.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is scheduled to be released on May 12, 2023, so a pre-order option that is finally available is obvious here. The point is: Nintendo will not let the pre-order for what is probably the most important game of 2023 go smoothly. In view of this, numerous fans now expect that a corresponding direct showcase should come closer. For example, you could also show a new Zelda trailer there and communicate pre-order bonuses. A detailed presentation of the new Zelda adventure would also be conceivable alongside other announcements.

Should Nintendo officially announce a new Direct conference in the near future, you will of course find out about it as usual on igamesnews!

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