Originally, the next version of Star Citizen should be the big update 4.0. But after the developer with Crusader moved its biggest feature, there will be at least version 3.10.
The change is based on community criticism. Some players in the SciFi simulation have already noted in the past that Alpha 4.0 does not deserve this name as long as the current star system is named Stanton not finished be.
When does Alpha 4.0 come?
As developer Cloud Imperium Games now notes on Reddit, they agree with this criticism. They even go a little further and explain that you want to save the jump to version 4.0 until you visit the game's second galaxy
This change is not currently in the official roadmap. Version 3.10 for the second quarter of 2020 will only be listed there on Friday, May 8th. This could also be followed by version 3.11. Because so far is still unclearwhen Crusader – Stanton's last missing planet – and Orison's landing zone will be completed.
Star Citizen – These features will continue in 2020 and 2021
Pyro appears with Alpha 4.0
When Alpha 4.0 finally comes out, it will definitely have two big features: the Jump Points Jump gates, as well as the pyro system. The studio presented both at the Citizencon in 2019.
While the law of the United Empire of Earth applies in Stanton, this will not be the case in Pyro. The system, whose star died a long time ago, will populated by pirates. Especially lawless players who don't want to go to jail should be in good hands here.
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What's in 3.10?
Cloud Imperium Games will announce the currently planned content of version 3.10 together with the next roadmap update. However, you can assume that the following Features currently listed for version 4.0 which are from version 3.10.
- Cutlass Blue: The rework of the police variant of the Drake Cutlass
- New Babbage – More shops: New shops selling souvenirs, snacks and various technical equipment.
- Elevator panels: In the future, elevators will no longer be operated with buttons, but with a touchscreen.
- Heightmap improvements: The planets and moons are becoming more detailed.
- Client Eddie Parr: A new NPC that gives you missions.
- Grim Hex improvements: The space station for outlaws is being revised.
- AI improvements: The NPCs will be able to use more weapons on the ground and take cover.
- New activation mechanism: The target acquisition of your spaceship will work differently in the future.
- Body pull: You can move the bodies of finished enemies.
- High speed battles: The behavior of the ships at high speeds is changed.
- Legal system v2: Criminals are given the opportunity to surrender.
- Origin m50: The improved version of the m50 is integrated.
- Restricted Area Rework: The restricted areas should feel more natural in the future.
- New weapons: There will be four new weapons for foot soldiers.
The Release is still a bit in the future. The studio only released Alpha 3.9 a few days ago with new features such as a prison and the interior of the landing zone New Babbage on the planet microTech.