Pornhub Premium is now available for free: porn portal wants to stop Corona

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Pornhub Premium is now available for free: porn portal wants to stop Corona

corona, free, Porn, Pornhub, Portal, Premium, Stop

StayHome Hub promotion

Jan Kluczniok-Profile picture
Reading time: Two minutes

#StaytheFuckatHome now has a whole new meaning. Pornhub will provide its premium services worldwide for free by April 23. Can mosquito nets protect against rapids?

Cybercriminals use Corona Viruses: This is not how you stick to them. [Source: Netzwelt]

Over the past few days, various application and game developers, as well as various streaming services, have turned to providing paid content for free. By doing so, the companies hope to persuade people around the world to stay at home, thereby curbing the spread of the coronavirus. Now, there is another tempting offer: Pornhub, an adult portal, temporarily offers its premium services worldwide for free.

#StayHomeHube campaign will run until April 23. Pornhub previously offered free great deals in Italy, Spain, and France, all three of which were particularly affected by the corona virus. This activity may lead to an increase in demand for suitable VPN providers for users who do not live in one country. However, such detours are no longer necessary.

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On the website, all you have to do is check a box to confirm that you will stay at home and make every effort to stop the spread of coronavirus. After that, you need to register, but you only need to enter your email address without entering your credit card details. You can already watch pornography for free-no ads and high quality. Pornhub Premium allows streaming in HD.

Therefore, "isolation and relaxation" should also be enjoyable for singles. However, it remains to be seen how the network will respond to video calls that are now exploding. Video traffic to Pornhub has skyrocketed in Italy. After the national curfew came into effect, the platform's call volume in one day increased by more than 57%. Calls in Spain even increased by 61.3%, while calls in France increased by 38.2%. Since the ban was banned, German traffic has increased by 15%.

Not only does Pornhub attract more visits now, but it also notices changes in usage time. As a result, more and more users can now watch movies at night, and it will increase in the early afternoon. Network operator Nokia has noticed similar changes in the usage of video streaming service Netflix.

At the request of the European Union, many video streaming providers have recently reduced the quality of their content to prevent network overload. Pornhub hasn't commented on this yet.

Article keywords

Technology and corona virus: how to make #Staythefuckathome more comfortable

Image Source

Twitter / Pornhub

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