JV Hebdo from December 15th, 2021: The last JV Hebdo of the season from Wednesday, December 15th with Salomé, Panthaa, Captain Web, Carole Quintaine and Julien Chièze is available in replay! On the menu of this edition:
- For the latter JV weekly the season, the team gives you a summary of this week’s news. Pay attention to the official license plates for the PS5
- Well if you couldn’t follow suit Game awards, the team will inform you about the ceremony and the lucky winners and tell you what everyone has learned from the event. At the Game Awards, we were presented with top notch worlds like Star Wars eclipse
- How not to do a 2021 retrospective for the last weekly JV of the year. Each one in turn shares with you what impressed them, their crush, their screams and what they remember from that year that was not easy for the video game world. .
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