Resident Evil 4 Remake’s dialogue may be as silly as ever

The Boss

Resident Evil 4 Remake’s dialogue may be as silly as ever

dialogue, Evil, remakes, Resident, silly

Resident Evil 4 Unabashedly one of the best games in the series, and one of the best horror games ever made. It marks Capcom’s way of breaking away from the previous game’s setting and expanding its horizons, while still typically feeling like a Resident Evil game.

We sat down to talk about what we can expect from the Resident Evil 4 Remake.

For many, a highlight of Resident Evil 4 has to be its rather goofy dialogue and various comedic moments. How much of that was intentional is questionable, but the results worked in its favor. There are plenty of uncharacteristically funny quotes in the game, and while it’s downright horror game, there’s no denying that Resident Evil 4 also keeps you laughing.

Remember when Leon nearly fell to his death, just before claiming he “won’t do this old trick,” or when he started fighting El Gigante, stopping to notice, “Hey, it’s that dog.” Taken out of context, These may not seem all that comical, but as you fend off El Ganados left, right and center, these unusual one-liners give Resident Evil 4 another reason — even for those who aren’t huge horror fans — Give it a try.

With all of this in mind, I recently spent some time at the beginning of Resident Evil 4 Remake. I had to fiddle with Leon’s Evolution Knife, get up close and personal with the Chainsaw Man’s jewels, and finally, hear Leon say, “Where has everyone gone?” Correct? ” again.

It’s a tiny line, but it’s a dialogue that does make me wish the rest of Resident Evil 4 Remake might keep its moments of comic relief. As much as I’d love to avoid meeting the weirdo Salazar again, I also can’t wait to hear him yell “die you bug” to Leon Kennedy again.

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