Game news Return: A player finishes the game “too hard” in less than 5 minutes!
The debates about Returnal have been numerous in the last few weeks: about the exclusive PS5, about the lack of backups and about the allegedly too big difficulties. Obviously this is not a problem if you are a speedrunner …
Mental Toast, Speedrunner at Returnal, broke a new record by finishing the game in less than five minutes.
The run is pretty impressive. MentalToast not only improves Act 2’s levels with an unusual ease in our eyes of average gamers, but also He neutralizes the final boss with a simple basic pistol. The speed of the run is obviously due to his knowledge of the game, the shortcuts he can take along the way, but most importantly, his movements. It uses a Technology known as “DMJ” or Dash-Melee-Jump. By breaking off his shot with a melee attack and then breaking it off with a jump, Returnal’s speedrunners maintain their speed and momentum throughout the movement, repeating it so they never lose speed. It also looks like a lot of speedrun techniques that you can see in other games.
Obviously, this 4 minutes, 58 seconds and 6 tenths run is a record speed to finish Returnal, but there are other records: 13’14 “90 for the run”All Biomes NG +“, 24’15” 90 for the run “All bosses NG +“”, two records for the German speed runner Risen. The game is still very new and these records are likely to be broken in the future.
If you too want to try to break those records, Returnal has been available on PlayStation 5 since April 30th.
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By Damien Head, Writing from