Teen Titans will land in theaters with a live-action movie

The Boss

Teen Titans will land in theaters with a live-action movie

Land, liveaction, movie, teen, theaters, Titans

At the beginning of the millennium, DC Films greenlit an animated series centered on Teen Titans, a group of young superheroes led by Robin who caused a sensation during their time on Cartoon Network. After several seasons and even a series live-actionthe Teen Titans will hit the big screen.

According to reports The Hollywood ReporterDC Films is already working on the production of a live-action film of Teen Titans. The script will be written by Ana Nogueira, who is also writing Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrowalthough it is unknown who will be the director of this production.

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On the other hand, the medium has not specified if this film will be part of the new and remodeled DC Extended Universe led by James Gunn, or if it will be an independent film belonging to the already known Elseworlds like The Batman or Joker.

This leak appeared for the first time a few months ago along with other projects, and now it has been confirmed that this production is a reality. Therefore, fans will have to wait for James Gunn Offer more information about this long-awaited film through your social networks.

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