The coronavirus crisis has come a long way. After visiting countries like South Korea or Japan, he has settled in Europe and it seems that he is going to stay some time between us. Some people are taking precautions against possible contagion and the Chinese bazaars are installing makeshift partitions with a plastic to serve customers. It is clear that the need awakens the creativity of the people and a Chinese citizen has also designed a suit inspired by Death Stranding to protect your child from the viral threat. And of course, the publication has also gone viral through social networks.
This Asian father shared his suit on Tik Tok and the Internet did the rest. Twitter user Harakoatom shared an image of the boy who has made a suit very similar to the one Sam Porter Bridges wears in Death Stranding. Mask included, you can see one front capsule with breath on which your baby rests. As this user explains, the father has devised th is suit for take your child to the protected hospital
中国 人 が 子 供 を 新型 コ ロ ナ ウ ィ ル ス の 感染 か ら 守 り な が ら 病院 ま で 連 れ て め の 工夫 が す ご い
– 台湾 ラ ノ ベ 翻 訳 姫 VT♎🏥🍶🐣🌹🐬⚡🐉 (@harakoatom) March 6, 2020
Now the question we ask ourselves is whether this suit will be effective against the virus. In the Asian giant, their daily activities have been paralyzed to contain the disease, but this situation is still away from the post apocalyptic world
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