Amazon Prime's "Vikings" is a historical drama that delights fans around the world. This legendary story tells the story of Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons, their progress, war, and battle for the Norwegian crown. But how much truth is there in the series? Netzwelt provided the answer.
Since its launch in 2013, the Amazon Prime series "Vikings" has attracted many fans worldwide. The series was originally produced by ABC History and tells the story of Viking Ragnar Lothbrok and his son. The series has everything needed for historical drama: bloody battles, brave warriors, heroic shield girls, and of course many love stories.
After 6 seasons, the "Viking" is over. The episode is currently in the mid-season break, and fans are waiting patiently for the second half of season 6.
Fans of the series wonder if these stories really happened. Did Floki really discover Iceland? Where is Kattegat? Does Ragnar Lothbrok really exist? Netzwelt explained. Please note that everything is related to legend and tradition. Therefore, it is unclear what really happened and what is the myth.
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