The Sims: Project Rene: New part suddenly with a mobile focus and microtransactions?

Geralt of Sanctuary

The Sims: Project Rene: New part suddenly with a mobile focus and microtransactions?

focus, microtransactions, mobile, part, project, Rene, Sims, suddenly

Will the high expectations for The Sims: Project Rene be disappointed? The new part now looks more like a mobile title, which also seems to rely on microtransactions.

The Sims 4 has been enjoying great success for many years and series fans are eagerly waiting for a sequel. Accordingly, there was great joy when Maxis announced the next chapter in the franchise with “Project Rene”. In the meantime, however, there is more and more disillusionment in this regard, because the direction of the game may have changed more towards a mobile title.

A few weeks ago, Maxis and EA had already confirmed that Project Rene was by no means intended to be a classic sequel in the style of The Sims 5, but rather wanted to pursue new approaches. The Sims 4 should remain on the market and, despite its age, remain available and be provided with content in addition to The Sims: Project Rene.

It now seems to be becoming more and more clear what that means. Because: New pictures of a test version of Project Rene have now appeared on social media, which make it clear that the style of the game that was introduced months ago, which gave hope for a The Sims 5, has now been more or less shelved became. Instead, the new Sims game now relies more on concepts and designs that suggest a strong mobile orientation – with microtransactions at that.

Sims fans have been quite concerned since the images were leaked, as they look more like a generic new mobile title than a full-fledged Sims. The images show a tab for microtransactions powered by “Simoleons” and some examples of tasks that users can do to earn XP and in-game currency. This currency can then most likely be used to unlock clothing, furnishings and other items – typical of mobile titles.

On Reddit a user who took part in a playtest also commented. According to him, the game is designed to be a “collaborative multiplayer experience” in which players build relationships with other gamers.

Spicy: In January 2024 it was announced that The Sims Mobile would no longer receive any further updates. So will the previous mobile spin-off be replaced by Project Rene in the future? We’ll keep you updated!

The Sims 5 – developer video with information about online features and more

The Sims 5 is currently in development under the working title “Project Rene”. In this video, the developers talk about the new features of the life simulation. Among other things, it’s about online functions.

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