There are 4 games for free this weekend

Geralt of Sanctuary

There are 4 games for free this weekend

free, Games, weekend

It’s finally the weekend again – for many of you, thanks to the bridging day, hopefully even a really long one! Luckily there are some free games on Steam and the Epic Games Store, you can get your hands on this weekend.

As always, some are permanent, while others are free to play for a limited time only.

Highlight of the week: BioShock: The Collection

BioShock: The Collection - Collection Remastered Launch Trailer


BioShock: The Collection – Collection Remastered Launch Trailer

Genre: Shooter | developer: Irrational Games | Release: 13. September 2016 | Available free of charge until: June 2nd

Only recently we chose the 100 best story games of all time on Two of the Bioshock games also made it into this illustrious list. The first part of the series even ended up in the top 10! Now you get the complete Bioshock trilogy from Epic Games as a gift and you can keep it forever.

What’s the matter? In the unlikely event that you have never heard of these great shooters: Bioshock 1 and 2 take you to the now iconic underwater city of Rapture, while Bioshock Infinite takes you over the clouds to the flying metropolis of Columbia.

What all games have in common: From a first-person perspective, you shoot your way through pretty levels, kill some pretty scary enemies, use special skills – and experience a story that you won’t soon forget.

You can see how much better the graphically revised titles from the collection are compared to their originals in the following comparison video:

BioShock: The Collection - BioShock Original vs. Remaster in a graphic comparison


BioShock: The Collection – BioShock Original vs. Remaster in a graphic comparison

More free games

Bomber Crew: In this strategy game you manage the crew of a bomber during the Second World War. Similar to FTL, you distribute tasks and have to be well organized so that you can complete the missions successfully and without losses.

Available free of charge until: 2. June 2022

Paper Ghost Stories: 7PM: If you’re not watching Stranger Things Season 4 on Netflix this weekend but still fancy some horror with kids, this spooky adventure might be for you. The ghost story should be able to be played through in around 30 minutes and offer a few small jumpscares.

Free to play until: 2. June 2022

Endless Space 2: You can currently also secure the 4X space strategy game Endless Space 2 permanently. However, this requires a little more than just a few clicks. You need an account on the Company of Heroes website, sign up for the newsletter and then link your Steam account. Best to follow official developer guide.

And even more free games

These free games will be available in June 2022


Amazon Prime

These free games will be available in June 2022

Can’t get enough free games and have an Amazon Prime subscription? Then you should definitely take a look at the Prime games for the month of June: Prime Gaming is once again giving away some top-class titles, including the best Far Cry game to date.

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