If you like Dragon Ball and you know something about the story its animation, the name of Yuya Takahashi, veteran of the Toriyama saga and other anime like Fullmetal Alchemist. East experienced japanese entertainer He had already shown us his talented expertise with artwork that brought Luffy and Goku together, or with his illustration of a classic Vegeta with his iconic pose. Now he surprises us with something very different, an animation of a ninja trying to avoid Takahashi's hand
You can see it right below, thanks to the video that @ TTSoolBNiuIb6jG shares on his Twitter and what do we think pure magic of animation, despite having rather little in the plane. And it is that the difficult thing here is not necessarily in the details, but in the fluidity of the ninja animations
キ ャ ラ ク シ ョ ン 山 本 様 (@yuzoo_com) か ら バ ト ン を い た だ き ま し た
「机 で 逃 げ 回 る 作画 忍者」 で す。
こ の ツ イ ー ト を ご 覧 い た だ い た 方 、
も し 宜 し け れ ば 是非 ご 参加 下 さ い ま せ! 😊あ り が と う ご ざ い ま し た! pic.twitter.com/Irz43Y54CU
– 高橋 優 也 (@ TTSoolBNiuIb6jG) April 29, 2020
What you think about it this curious animated scene? We did not expect less from a professional like Takahashi, who never leaves to make us enjoy with everything you share on your networks.
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