Stephany Nunneley
April 23, 2021 GMT 16:30
You read the title correctly.
If you never gave Warhammer: Vemintide 2 Give it a try, you should play it on Steam for free on weekends.
Just go to Steam and download. Then, if you like the game you play, you can enjoy a 75% discount and a 50% discount on DLC.
The first Vermintide game is also sold at a discount of up to 90%, which means you only need to spend $2.99.
The next chapter of the Vermintide 2 story, Chaos Wastes, has arrived and is available for free download. In it, you will try to reach the eternal castle. In order to survive, you will only be left with armor and go back to the basics.
The journey began with everything three years ago, armed only with simple equipment, and these equipment will require the skills to use skills effectively, rather than just hiding behind a large number of items.
In addition, you will navigate the area without a map, and the journey will not be the same.
Chaos Wastes also includes Twitch Integration, which allows viewers to join adventurous activities and help players with their journey by voting on what will happen next.
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