WWE 2K20 has already been criticized many times and hit hard by the fans, but anyone who thought that it couldn't get any worse is now deceived. The turn of the year made the wrestling title difficult and temporarily unplayable.
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Date: 11/25/2019 "data-lightbox =" 83adfefabea3b9a3ed2e5aebe8515a15.jpg ">
For many players, WWE 2K20 was one of the worst well-known titles of 2019, especially because the new wrestling spin-off was delivered in a fairly poor condition and had to deal with numerous problems. The reputation of the WWE 2K series has been seen as cracked anyway, but the turn of the year now seems to top it all.
While at the turn of the millennium the infamous Y2K bug largely failed to materialize, WWE 2K20 now actually had to deal with such a problem. Since the turn of the year, the wrestling title has practically stopped working. Countless players have spoken out and reported across all platforms that it has been impossible to launch pretty much any mode of the game since the clock changed to 0:00 AM on January 01, 2020.
How did the whole thing look in practice? For example, if you want to start universe mode, you will be faced with a complete game crash and then kicked out of it. Gamble? Temporarily unthinkable in WWE 2K20.
This issue has been resolved. Please make sure to restart your # WWE2K20 game to automatically download the fix. If you continue experiencing issues, please open a support ticket here: https://t.co/E9ETwypbuw
, Thank you again for your patience!– 2K support (@ 2KSupport) January 1, 2020
Since the problem was widespread and apparently seemed to affect pretty much every WWE-2K20 gamer, 2K has at least worked hard to find the error and has recently been able to find a solution, according to the support on Twitter. As of now, WWE 2K20 should work again, but this new Lapsus certainly didn't really help the reputation of the game.