The X-Men franchise has undoubtedly been one of Fox’s greatest successes at the beginning of the millennium. The franchise led by Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart and company caused a real furor and many can no longer imagine Magneto with Ian Mckellen’s face.
And precisely it is Magneto which we will talk about in this article. One of its most emblematic elements has been the helmet, and although we all know that its use is due to avoiding Xavier’s telepathy, before the movies it was used as a mere accessory and had no apparent explanation behind it. This is when Bryan Singer appears.
David Hayter, screenwriter of the first film and voice of Solid Snake in the Metal Gear Solid franchise, explained through his Twitter account that this addition to Magneto’s helmet came as a result of the film’s director wondering about the use of Xavier’s telepathy against Magneto.
“This happened because the director said one day, ‘Why couldn’t Xavier make Magneto fall asleep or something?’ No one had an answer. So we decided it was the helmet.”
It is quite curious that until that moment very few people wondered why Xavier would not use his telepathy to quickly finish off Magneto. Probably, many already assumed that this could not happen and that the villain had enough power to avoid the mind control of the Professor
However, there was no apparent reason for this until that moment and Bryan Singer was responsible for this accessory becoming a vital component in the suit of this very famous mutant. We don’t know when we’ll see Magneto on the big screen again, but everything indicates that he could have his own cameo through Deadpool 3the first Mercenary with a Mouth movie within the MCU.