I have mentioned more than once that Bethesda is one of the leading companies in making references and winks in its deliveries, both to other video games and to movies, series, books, comics… You just have to take a look at the madness they have going on. between The Elder Scrolls, Fallout and DOOM.
DOOM (2016) is perfect in every way and that includes the references and winks. It has several Skyrim and Fallout, but surely many players do not have the pair reserved for the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Have you ever fallen into areas with ice and lava? DOOM Slayer dies almost instantly, because he does a couple of animations before you see the screen to respawn. If you fall on the ice, the character loses his forearm due to the cold and ends up broken into pieces. This is a reference to the iconic scene of Terminator 2
However, the reference to falling into lava is much more iconic. DOOM Slayer gives a thumbs up as he sinks, making a reference to the T-800’s death after defeating the T-1000 and bringing John Connor to safety. Thousands of memes have been made with this scene and Bethesda was not going to be any less.
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