Nintendo Dream recently published a discussion and discussion with Dragon Quest for XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Digital Edition producer Hokuto Okamoto, development director Masato Yagi, and director Takeshi Uchikawa. Conversation translated by Japan Nintendo and talks about the decision to feature Hero in the Super Smash Bros Ultimate and how excited the team was when they found out that Mr. Sakurai wants Haroli in the blockbuster title Nintendo Switch.
ND: Please tell us your opinion on the inclusion of Hero and Dragon Quest in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
The car: I was really surprised when I first heard about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It's almost impossible for Dragon Quest characters to appear in other company games. We discussed many ideas, including what we do with the DQXI S, such as making each color a hero of past games. Mr. Sakurai accepted Nintendo's direction and the Square Enix product, then boarded it. It was a very happy time.
It is being cut: In fact, we received a special request for a response. I had a quick look at the content, but was actually impressed to see a very powerful map. I was impressed by the size of the whole thing. It is completely integrated with different elements of the series, such as command selection.
Yagi: I had never played Super Smash Bros. Eventually though, but when I saw Hall's installation, I knew I had to get down to it. (laughs)
ND: Mr. Yagi will eventually make his credit for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Hero! (laughs)
Yagi: As for how to play, it's hard to know the Hero well? I played Super Smash Bros. 64. The things people do about Hall are amazing. I was looking at how to turn Dragon Quest war into an action game, but I thought this was a great opportunity.
It is being cut: It's amazing what Mr Sakurai can find to include. I learned a lot from this job.
Yagi: I've seen Mr. Sakurai on the Hero show video and how he uses her, but I may not be able to use it properly. That said, I think Hero's move and his actions are really cool.
It is being cut: It's normal because Dragon Quest has never done a great job crossing other franchises. Seeing a Hero throwing a Poké Ball? That's the best picture you can imagine. (laughs)
ND: Hero interviews at Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – did you attend audio recording?
The car: I did. Mr Sakurai really does everything himself, doesn't he? I made some clues, and we quickly decided what to use.