Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind is updated with online play on Nintendo Switch


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind is updated with online play on Nintendo Switch

Mighty, Morphin, Nintendo, Online, Play, power, Rangers, Rewind, Rita39s, Switch, Updated

After the outstanding Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, we receive Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind on Nintendo Switch. Today it was confirmed more content available in this title.

This patch released today includes online play, thanks to a new update that enables this feature in the Nintendo Switch version. Additionally, the developers have announced that additional improvements are in the works for all platforms. They plan to reveal more details in the coming weeks, so we'll stay tuned.

In this title, they offer us online and local cooperative play that allows up to five simultaneous players to transform into the Power Ranger of their choice and even pilot their powerful Zords. A soundtrack High energy synth will keep your adrenaline pumping as you battle a host of familiar enemies.

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