
Nintendo & # 39; s 2019 – Year Cracking in Review – Feature

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Nintendo Year Review 2019

A simple scrolling of the menu on our switch is enough to show that 2019 has been a good year for Nintendo and its console. The handheld hybrid has gone from strength to strength, finding a non-hybrid member of the Strank family along the way, and more games than anyone can have time to play.

2019 has had a lot of surprises, too, from the many games you wouldn't expect to see on Switch for one reason or another to have wall-to-wall announcements from the popular Japanese video game company. Switch fixed? VR with your console and cardboard bundle? Pilates cries and bodybuilding dragon? Anyone?!?

Let's take a look back at the 12 month Nintendo world event …

January – We Start With Apologies

Please Understand

Our reviews and New Year's resolutions were in amazing agreement when we released things for our first look of 2019: Boxing Thickness. Nintendo's biggest release that month was the switchch port New Super Mario Bros. You are Deluxe. January also saw the announcement and apology of Metrop Prime 4delays, which may have been pretty much all things considered.

In other Nintendo news, the company has participated in & # 39; s viewer & # 39; at the VR Consortium event, which applauded quirky release Those we'll see later in the year. Sales and software for 3DS reduced the trend, as well as bug-break-game in Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Story & # 39; s Inside maybe it was not the best way to send lovely, old hand-held items. And speaking of dead things, the Wii Shop Channel is closed (which gives everyone an excuse to whistle for the music of its theme for a day or two) and the price of the new Wii Us Skyrocketed.

The rumor mill kicks in gear early on with the Xbox special rumors Super Lucky & # 39; s Tale it may be coming to Switch. It sounded like a long time ago, but we had no idea it was just symbolic of the voting industry before the end of the year. By calling Microsoft how much you dig Super Smash Bros., it seems pretty obvious back then.

Smash has been on the latest Chinese release and fans have had fun making a meme-friendly tier list and offering survivors a sensible way. Cross-platform gaming has been on everyone's language pages, Splatoon 2Splatfest events have been invaluable in getting us to choose between friends, family and some fun fun lessons, and people are still finding Easter eggs hidden in the old Nintendo Classics. Some heart-warming news in January of this year came out in a month and we were on our way in 2019.

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February – Open Instructions


As January goes on, rumors of Nintendo Direct's announcement have already disappeared, but it wasn't until February 13 that Nintendo went and threw in the towel that confirmed the new release of the new Turnch. Along with a long list of announcements, Tetris 99 presented that day once Manufacturer of Super 2 it is revealed, as well as pride The History of Zelda: The Rise of the Link remake. Not only this, but within a month Pokémon Sword and Shield also revealed in a separate introduction to Direct.

Elsewhere Nintendo has announced its next trial of the situation Dr. Mario World, and plans to open a Nintendo Tokyo store. With Super Nintendo World in time for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics opening (and Miyamoto promises to be worth the wait), Japanese players will soon lack the means to transfer money to Nintendo. Nintendo switchch Online had registered more than eight million accounts, though Nintendo looked at ways to strengthen service complaints, and the number of available Switch games came and impressed in 1800 – not so bad in less than two years.

In a move we can say the same apology Ring Fit Adventure later in the year, the speculator builder apologized after stores in Japan ran out of copies of Fitness Boxing. The rumor mill started smoking with & # 39; Change Mini & # 39; s conversations popping up everywhere, even though Nintendo is playing coy. There were rumors that Microsoft was planning to release the games on the switch, which has greatly improved our thinking.

It was a big month for Nintendo, but the controversy was that the big industrial industry was the announcement that Regie Fils-Aimé's body was ready to leave Nintendo of America and that Doug Bowser would take over as President from 15 April 2019.

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March – Dogs and cats, living together, mass hysteria


In early March – refusing to let the 3DS quiet down on that fateful night – Nintendo released the best Kirby & # 39; s Extra Epic Yarn and left fans of the game Switch fans wearing a frown. This month was booked with the same exciting switch-off release, however, by the way The World of Yoshi's Tricks. Dozens of games were announced, including a number of Nindies Direct radio shows – anonymously – revealed Cuphead to Change again Zelda/Crypt for NecroDancer crossover Cadence of Hyrule. The N64-era dinosaur hunter Turok is back from Change, too.

In other Nintendo news, the company revealed some interesting figures on its employment page about average earnings and other job statistics, Masahiro Sakurai mentioned the lengths he had come to bring in Smash Bros. the Nintendo World Championship 1990 NES winner.

Elsewhere, Google unveiled its new Stadia platform, Sony decided to make its own Nintendo Directions, take a look at some of the fun switches and Joy-Con bold games of Nintendo's past, and some of the latest takeaways Game Boy predicted the appearance of Analogue Pocket six months before it was revealed. Freaky!

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April – Sonic, harbors and real madness


As per tradition, April started with pranks and gags but soon the issue of games began to creep in Those VR Kit (released as old kits and won BAFTA awards) and the revival of both Zelda: Breathing in Wildlife (which made us feel unattractive) again Super Mario Odyssey. Many ports – many of them very pretty – come to Change, too, including Death of Combat 11, Cuphead and Hell.

In other switch news, the console found the & # 39; s silent power mode increasing its loading speed in certain games, Nintendo rolled out its Health Department quality department and removed its 7th page connector for its details, the company ranked 9th the most popular in the US according to the report, and those rumors & # 39; Switch Mini & # 39; they did not stop.

To cover all that noise, it was a fact that it was Game Over for Reggie Fils-Aimé in Nintendo of America as he retired and Doug Bowser took over as NOA President. Reggie joined Twitter immediately and got a new seat.

Alternatively, Animal Crossing At 18, Charles Martinet pulled off the controversy that has been around for decades for Mario 64, we found out a lot about Kirby's frustrating footprints, and we pressed everyone by explaining exactly how your comforting retro comfort is slowly but surely dying.

And finally, the trailer unveils a new-look Sonic in his upcoming movie that holds the moon so well with such a negative worldwide reaction that Paramount decided to resign the actor and delay the movie until Valentine's Day in 2020.

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May – Chugging once and for all

Detector Pikachu

After the shock of Sonic's first introduction, the internet took it upon itself to fix things until the film's director confirmed that they would return and re-create the character. In other video game movies, Detective Pikachu is generally better received than the blue hedgehog.

Back on the Nintendo news, the maker of Super Mario 2 2 Nintendo Direct gave us a better look at what is expected of the latter, though there was a little confusion of some of the expectations that Nintendo didn't include (at least not in the notification).

The month of May saw many games released on the switch, too, with Konami The castlegumi Annivil collection, Capcom & # 39; s Resident Evil out, The Father Is You and Gato Roboto certain standouts. Another Pokémon mobile game was introduced during the season Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp and Fire Emblem Heroes it was planned for an ax in Belgium for their lootbox-y, hilarious ways, and Nintendo also launched its own Nintendo switchch Online subscribers' Vouchers program.

And at random events, we took a look at the ever-changing world of the switch menu icon, an innocent bystander stealing a Nintendo Switch from the camera while wearing their work uniform, and the medical app hit the 3DS eShop at a price of $ 99.99.

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June – Definition of Electronic Entertainment


E3 month! From the window of the E3 Hype Train train we watched Mario Kart 8's fifth birthday, recommending the back The Complete DarknessThree different covers in Japan, Europe and North America and we have watched some of the heavier franchises we would like to see renewed on the switch.

Ahead of E3, Pokémon Direct has revealed new details about Pokémon Sword and Shield, including the unveiling of Gen VIII legends. Yooka Laylee and Impible Lair is revealed, and Turn the Mini rumors continue at a speed garnished by some pretty cool comedians.

After that, Nintendo Direct's N3endo99 stream went down and everything was hot. There were too many summaries to summarize here, however Crossing the Animals: New Horizons to delay, Banjo-Kazooie in the smash and official sequel to the sequel to The History of Zelda: Wild Breathing maybe it was the biggest news.

At the show we found ours hands on the Turnch remake of Link Rise and Beautiful Creature, sat down for a chat with Tetris Lord Alexey Pajitnov and thoroughly enjoyed the appearance of Nintendo's excellent E3 release. Witcher 3 on the switch? Well I never did! Not everyone was happy, though, and many Pokémon fans were very disappointed to hear that Pokémon Sword and Shield would not feature the entire Pokédex nationally. And as support for ARMS when it was quiet, we looked back at that little gem that was enjoyed in the Switch catalog.

According to a new release, Metroidylvania The Timespinner let's not be impressed, as it does Collection of Mana and the recently released Zelda title Cadence of Hyrule. Konami Contra Annivil Collection hit all the right nostalgia buttons, Nintendo has released the last 2D Mario you will ever need, too Virtua Racing it took us back to our 90 & # 39; s Arcade roots.

And in the news of the site, Dear Zion has officially joined Alex's average fan base to double the size of Nintendo Life's beloved production team and add a few equally spicy ingredients to our beefy Brits label.

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