We have just heard that the long-awaited DOMomDOM will soon be coming to the Nintendo Switch platform where some fans are worried. US Gamer recently acquired executive producer and co-director, Marty Stratton, who explained in the book why they had decided to release it later than other platforms. Stratton says Panic Button and the team want to do "the right job" with DoOM Eternal on Nintendo Switch and say the end result will "surprise people."
"Partner in that, Panic Button, I've called them many times as speakers' managers, and I testify too. I really think it will surprise people (…) I see it all the time in the comments, when we release the video: & # 39; I can't wait to play it on the switch, I can't wait to play it on switch. & # 39; I think people will like it.
“We do this over time because we want to do the right job, we want it to be the highest quality version of the game on the switch,” he continued. "(We don't want to compromise in any way."