So what does everyone else think of the new Zelda outing so far? Here’s the summary:
“Echoes of wisdom is a hybrid between what Zelda sometimes and what Zelda is now. In other words, it seems to take on a more structured overworld and dungeon design based on the puzzles of old Zelda games and giving players a mechanical toolset more akin to the last two relatively free-form entries: Tears of the kingdom and Breath of the wild.”
The Verge
“It seems like Nintendo has superseded the classic top-down Zelda formula by infusing it with many of the franchise’s smartest innovations. Not exactly open world or classic Zeldabut it is something new—and it suits the princess perfectly.”
“Waiting for the September 26th launch date is much harder now. So far, Tri Rod is a brilliant idea for a Zelda-led odyssey. Using it to tactically solve puzzles and fight enemies felt natural and engaging.”
“The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom it may not have the sheer scale of recent 3D Zelda games, but it seems to have similar creative gameplay and player flexibility. But it plays like a classic Legend of Zelda game, blending old school puzzle solving and dungeon crawling with ingenuity, resulting in a magical combination of styles. Zelda’s first solo adventure already feels like a winner.”
“Echoes of Wisdom now lets our imaginations run wild in a 2D environment in ways we’ve never experienced before…and how could that not be truly delightful?!”
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