A 3D printer that you had never seen, to do tattoos!

The Boss


A 3D printer that you had never seen, to do tattoos!

printer, tattoos

There are many projects around 3D printing, many users seek to create objects that can then sell, such as figures, while other people directly create specific plans which then offer free to share their passion for This technology. But there are also those who see directly to modify a printer 3D To do so, it has a very different use of what they have normal, as in this case, because they managed to transform such a device into a machine of tattoo Automatic.

One of the forces of 3D printers is in large capacity that users can have to personalize them, versions that have no too complex structure can have a series of modifications that manage to completely change their use. In most cases, these modifications are generally linked to several accessories which can allow, for example, to use different types of different filaments to create objects by different colors, but this project is very different, because it seeks to replace the 'Traditional use of a 3D The printer allows tattoos, something that is not advisable to do at home (although it was quite well).

3D tattoo printer

This project converts an old 3D printer to the tattoo machine

For many people, finding various uses for a specific device is something worth investing in time, the ability to transform something that has a specific function in something completely different manages to nourish curiosity many people. And there are ideas that are really strange but that after having taken a turn, they do it enough, like being able to use a modified 3D printer to do tattoos, because due to the precision they have During printing, it's really not something, so I miss it so there are once you think about it.

In this case, the YouTuber and the Engineer, Emily, the engineer developed a project that converts 3D printer old in a system created specifically to make tattoodemonstrating that it is something possible and that it does not have any quality that is bad either. As we can see in the video, Emily must make a series of modifications both to the 3D printer equipment as well as to her firmware, because the main aspects they need are incorporating a tattoo artist while Modifying the operation of the printer to obtain Get Get only to use an axis.

As indicated in the video, for the printer model they use, it is quite complicated to modify a firmware, so it uses a completely different modifiable panel to allow you to use a single axis, so that you can do 2D drawings. Although the result is much better than what you can expect, as you can imagine, it is not recommended to try, because it is not only the work of work behind, but at the end of Account, it is surely less expensive to pay a professional for tattooing to buy such a printer and modify it, of course.

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