One of the main reasons why many games manage to maintain a large number of players over the years is directly linked to the community, many users make the most of their abilities to allow others to enjoy a title as if they were absent. the first day. And in this aspect, modders are among the most supportive of certain games, because they create content that significantly expands what the base offers, even allowing you to completely change how it works, like this set of mods this only by changing the vision of Baldur's Gate 3manages to make it a very different game.
Baldur's Gate 3 is a game that is practically part of the history of this sector as one of the best RPGs that have been created in all that video games have existed, the success it has had is more than deserved and the community has of course, this is a title that deserves to be supported even long after its release. This is what allows it to remain among the most played games on Steam, with more than 100,000 daily players on this platform alone.
An isometric game that is still just as good in first person
Many titles designed with a specific camera can have quite strange gameplay if we try to play them in another, some like Cyberpunk 2077 show that they are created to be played in first person, while others can be quite uncomfortable to use. . In the case of Baldur's Gate 3 It is clear that being a turn-based combat game, camera The isometry is perfect, while the third person can also offer quite good gameplay even if it is not the favorite of users.
But what surely no one could expect is that even in the first person this title continues to be perfectly playable, adding an extra artistic touch by being able to enjoy everything that the graphic potential of the game can to offer. Just as there are modifications that allow us to implement new races or classes, there is also one that offers us the possibility of seeing what the game looks like through the eyes of our character, and it is clear that it couldn't be better.
In this case, this change not only increases the quality of the game, but also the difficulty, since for a melee character it can be easy to attack a target, but for a ranged character it is really complicated if we takes into account the obstacles that exist as well as the combat conditions. If we find a cloud of smoke for example, even though we can see the outlines of enemies, we can find ourselves really disoriented because we don't know what else is behind it.
Although it is clear that doing this can be quite complicated, since it is not a single modification that changes everything completely, but a set that allows you to use this camera, only after seeing how it works, we would like to see implemented in the game itself as an additional feature.