I’m sure you all know Loss as Cuphead. Two games separated by many years but which, in their own way, it seems clear that they marked the future of certain genres. In the case of the title id Software, it is obvious that we owe the existence of the shooters and first-person titles; while at Studio MHDR, he is to be congratulated for the resurrection of a new way of making arcades as beautiful as they are complicated.
(Mickey) MOUSE starts taking pictures
Although there are not too many details about this new title, it seems that it will revolve around two basic ideas: the first is that It will be a shooter
Now, where is the point of differentiation? so what the graphic aspect chosen by the studio is as original (for this genre) as it is recognizable after the success of Cuphead both on consoles and on PC: their heritage is evident and it seems clear that their point of inspiration for some of the characters they have shown is, very clearly, one of the first Mickey Mouse designs which, in these time, must be about to become intellectual property without restriction of use.
So things, It’s normal that it attracted attention of all those who have been in contact with this MOUSE, it is now part of this launch radar to which we pay particular attention. Although there is no confirmed date, there are already many eyes carefully watching their every move both in PC with Xbox and Nintendo Switch. PlayStation, for now, nothing at all.
But be careful, there are still many
It is MOUSE It looks very good, but before getting to the heart of the matter, don’t be fooled by appearances. Obviously from what was seen in the first trailer released a few hours ago, things are looking up, but They are barely two shots away from what he is going to offer. A game is not just graphics, but a general concept, a series of mechanics and many successes in terms of project management.
MOUSEFor now, he only taught us what his visual design looks likeinventory and animation style cartoon, but for the rest it is in a very early phase where what is important, what makes the success of a video game, is not perceived. So let’s stop it hypeHope to see something more than one work in progress very basic and we hope the independent study knows where it is going.
Inflating the ball too quickly is something we are all very good at, but here, more than ever, we have to be careful because What awaits the developers is the most difficult.