grave robber It is one of those sagas that are already part of the usual scenario in the world of video games. We have had it with us since 1996 and it has gone through different periods, although the last one is surely one of the best due to the quality of the titles that Crystal Dynamics has created, thanks to a Lara Croft in survival mode which took advantage of the technical potential of machines like the PS4 and Xbox One.
Amazon enters the scene
The fact is that after this trilogy survivor of grave robber, many thought the franchise scoreboard would be reset with other projects oriented practically in the same way. Crystal Dynamics had found the way and it only remained to follow it. But then the unexpected happened, with Square-Enix, who owned the original rights, selling much of Eidos’ old intellectual property to a conglomerate called Embracer Group.
At that time, the hearts of the most devoted fans of grave robber he stopped, faced with the abyss which was opening under his feet. What will happen to Lara Croft? Would we have great games like those of old? Well, we have good news: it seems that the continuity of the famous series originally created by Core Studios – until it was removed by Crystal Dynamics – will return sooner than we could imagine. .
Although suddenly a stranger entered the room. A company known to everyone and who lately wants to be someone in this video game. Amazon has taken over the role of editor and announced that the next grave robber
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It must be said that the new installment of the adventures of Lara Croft has not revealed its title or anything similar (at least we think so), so It is not known what period of the adventurer’s life we will have to relive. Lo que sí se puede afirmar es que será un juego exclusivo para un jugador, con su campaña y su historia (esperemos que apassionante) tal y como hemos podido ver en esa última trilogía que gozó de un enorme aceptación tanto por parte del público como de critical.
Of course we were struck by the image used to make the announcement and how the logo of grave robber It is not the same. We don’t know if it will just be the one they designed to get out and announce the news or if they really decided to start a new stage visible from the first moment. Honestly, the first would scare us a lot while the second could come to apprehend it as a way to break (literally) with the legacy of the Square-Enix era.
Anyway, it is clear that in the coming months this announcement will be finalized a bit more. Although, yes, don’t expect an imminent release. How about 2024?