English Rural Life Museum close its community on March 20 in response to the growing threat of COVID-19, a disease caused by novel coronavirus. Not only do you try to & # 39; t bend the curve & # 39; of the disease, but it means museum enthusiasts can now contact their collections online. Also, they create art objects in between Animal Crossing: New Ideas – of a real museum, not that game.
The English Rural Life Museum is already famous for its media presence; In 2018, it went viral after posting an old picture of a ram with the appropriate title: "look at this unit completely."
In January, the Museum of English Rural Life described its collection of literally crossing the animals, such as bridges, tie holes, and forks. So Twitter fans are not surprised to see a museum account post about Crossing the Animals: New Horizons on Wednesday. Asking? Making homemade socks – traditionally used to protect dirty clothing while doing agricultural work – Crossing the Animals: New Horizons the characters to wear.
English Rural Life digital editor Joe Vaughan has provided some instructions, which connect to a collection of online store smogs. "We want to know things like where your beast is made," Posted on Vitteran
All the artwork created by the players was created using the Design Design Pro app Crossing the Animals: New Horizons NookPhone. It's a very simple, grid-based program that allows the player to shape pixels, but has enough tools to create complex shapes. Real costume designer Nicole Cuddihy told Polygon she spent one hour at one stop to "pick up some of the delicate goods" from the English Rural Life Museum and his own knowledge.
"I'm really excited about any opportunity to explore the history of clothing / fashion in the digital space," Cuddihy said. "I think it's really fun for them to reach the unexpected quickly and have the same excitement to see answers like this."
"We use history to tell stories, but also to build human experiences," Vaughan told Polygon on the phone Thursday. “The motivation and implementation of this initiative is amazing. It's not surprising that people have taken Animal Crossing very seriously, but I wasn't expecting a good quality – like, historical challenge. ”
Crossing the Animals: New Horizons Players have created numerous smokers, some quoting some from the museum's collection. Artist Eilidh McNeil opted blue skirt with short embroidery.
"The section used for embroidery caught my eye right away and I wanted to do something that looks like in the game because it's faster to do it in pixels than in needle and thread," McNeil told Polygon. "This makeup looks so beautiful – a light purple stripe on a blue cloth – it felt like a soft sky."
Others have added their details, like a muddy mud from taking a walk in the garden, or taking inspiration from their yard. By Lyndsay Peters, that's California, so he threw his mark on California's poppies and bitter coconut. "I'm so sad that I can't go see poppy because of being home," she said. "It was fun to spend time with the popies this way."
The English Rural Life Museum plans to create and share an online exhibition to showcase the community Crossing the Animals: New Horizons a smile. Digital editor Vaughan said it would look like this one with real-life tags, a carousel gallery with small comments – both pieces Crossing the Animals: New Horizons designs and real-life inspiration.
It is at the heart of the museum's mission to preserve history and embrace digital culture.
"A large part of what we do is due to a lot of behind-the-scenes work and (for many years), from storing archives to collecting our photos and uploading digital photos of our items to our internal data – eg smiles! – to our caregivers who keep our collections well managed," Vaughan. "There's a lot of in-depth-in-value in digital content, and most important of all our success, really. It's a great team effort."
Vaughan noted that some of the staff at the Museum of Rural Life staff do not know what Animal Crossing is – the museum's manager still needs a lesson, Vaughan laughed – but they appreciate how players can get involved with history, even at uncertain times.
"All our plans and events had to be canceled or postponed," Vaughan told Polygon. "We will be affected by this, as well as the entire heritage sector." It is Vaughan's job to keep enthusiasts involved with the museum, even if they cannot physically visit it.
"We have a desire to push the boundaries of what digital currency can be," he said.
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