Borderlands 3 it might be more One thousand guns, but right now, all players need one.
In addition to new enemies and activity, the ongoing "Revenge of the Cartels" event is on Borderlands 3 introduced many new weapons that players can analyze. The one that caught the attention of Yellowcake, is a radioactive rocket launcher whose projectiles are separated to do much damage to any adverse enemies in its path.
Since the event began, Borderlands the players have been show off Their decline in Yellowcake and the devastating effects this weapon could have on the management, albeit at a much higher level after the Mayhem game. The effects are increased by building something, but it looks like any character can destroy the streets in battlefields with this weapon.
Things get really nuts when the lubrication, which is a special attribute inserted randomly, is added to the mix. With "Revenge of the Cartels," firearms can now be replaced with a bonus that increases their damage threefold when used in over 90% of healthy enemies. This may seem temporary, but Yellowcake kills dude so fast that you only need one shot to defeat even the most difficult enemies.
The Gearbox has proven to be extremely hard to talk about with good durability Borderlands 3 weapons, and there's no reason to think they won't bother Yellowcake so quickly. But until then, be sure to grab one of these beautiful rocket launches from Cartel's unique event enemies and head to town.