Call of Duty pulls YouTuber Nickmercs skin over anti-LGBT tweet

CoD skin

Picture: Activision / Kotaku

Activision drew one call of Duty Skin based on the hugely popular Nickmercs after he made an anti-LGBTQ comment on Twitter.

Earlier this week, broadcaster Chris Puckett tweeted about a local clash between “pro-LGBT protesters” and fanatics near his home, which Nickmercs referred to – referring to a popular rallying cry from the increasingly faltering right-wing media machine, who flatly claims that transsexuals and drag performers are somehow child molesters – replied: “You should leave little children alone.”

Nickmercs was quickly convicted. As The Dexerto Summary summarizeshe was rightly supported by many notable members of the call of Duty and a wider esports community, including broadcaster Goldenboy, who said, “I’m disappointed in you Nick. Teaching acceptance and tolerance to ALL is a valuable life skill for all ages.”

Loopy, a trainer at Vexed Gaming, had even clearer words:

I will never attend or watch an MFAM event again. I can’t in good conscience work for a fanatic. I am a Marine sworn to uphold and protect the Constitution which protects protests and calls for equality for all.

“Peace and Love” unless you’re gay or trans? What a loser.

Earlier this morning call of Duty Charlie Intel website reported that Nickmercs’ own skin—which was only announced a month ago-had apparently removed from both war zone And Modern Warfare II, where the store page returns a dead link. After initially stating that “Activision has not commented on the matter,” the official said call of Duty Account later responded with a statement that said:

Due to recent events, we have removed the “NICKMERCS Operator” pack from the Modern Warfare II and Warzone stores. We are focused on celebrating PRIDE with our employees and our community.

If you’re wondering if Nickmercs ever apologized for his comment: That process went about as apologetically as one would expect it:

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