The excitement (and financial rewards) of superhero films is not going away. The unofficial DC “Extended Universe” has a tremendous selection of upcoming films, with more being added every day. Some are actively in progress, production is halted and trailers are running. Others are in the books, but not in the calendar. still.
The next time Marvel snaps their fingers and adds 18 more movies to the MCU release calendar, DC’s list is bound to double. Starting in 2022, Warner Bros. plans to release four DC-based films in theaters each year, with the television series being equally regular. As President of DC Films Walter Hamada told the New York Times“With every movie we watch right now, we think: what is the potential Max spinoff?”
Here’s what we know about every upcoming DC comic book:
Zack Snyder’s Justice League: March
In May 2020, Zack Snyder announced that Warner Bros. had allowed him to create a re-cut version of Justice League that will be released exclusively on HBO Max. The director said goodbye to the 2017 superhero teamup film because of a death in his family.
In the three years since then Justice LeagueUpon release, Snyder answered many questions about the cut, including revealing that it is and was roughly 214 minutes long built from “almost 90% complete footage”. In late 2020, Warner Bros. announced that Ben Affleck (Batman), Henry Cavill (Superman), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) and Ray Fisher (Cyborg) would be filming for about a week. Snyder has indicated that his version of the Justice League can be up to four hours long and premiere in television event-like segments.
The Suicide Commission: August 6th
A Suicide squad The sequel was announced in March 2016 – even before the first film was even released.
After searching for directors, James Gunn (Guardian of the Galaxy) was hired to write and direct the second Suicide Squad film – during a time when a far-right Twitter movement persuaded Disney to release it from the Guardians of the Galaxy films. According to sources close to him, the film will focus on a largely new set of characters, although Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Joel Kinnaman and Jai Courtney will repeat their roles as Harley Quinn, Amanda Waller, Colonel Rick Flag and Captain Boomerang.
Along with all Warner Bros. 2021 films, The suicide squad will be released in theaters and on HBO Max.
The Batman: March 4th
The first Batman solo movie of the new DC era was announced in October 2014. Ben Affleck was originally supposed to co-direct and write the script with Geoff Johns, but stepped down from directing in January 2017 to reportedly focus more on acting.
Matt Reeves was announced as director in February 2017, and the project officially held the title The Batman. In July 2017, he confirmed that he’d scraped off Affleck’s original script, which featured Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke, and reworked it from the ground up. Reeves didn’t say whether Manganiello is still involved in the film or not.
Ben Affleck officially stepped down from the role of Batman, and Robert Pattinson was cast in May 2019. The new film focuses on a young Batman who defends Gotham against the machinations of the Riddler, along with Catwoman (Zoe Kravitz). Production of the film was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, but release is scheduled for 2022.
The flash: November 4th
The solo Flash movie has seen its own share of it quick shifts between directors, producers and screenwriters. But right now, Ezra Miller is about to star in a movie that takes over some plot elements from DC Comics’ Flashpoint story. Two Batmans will also be featured, with Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton Bot repeating their roles.
Aquaman 2: December 16
With the success of the first AquamanIt made sense that a sequel would find its way into life. The first film, while a bit clichéd, was hilarious as hell and a breathtaking visual spectacle. A sequel was far from a foregone conclusion, and Aquaman 2 was lit green in February 2019.
Director James Wan dropped a shipload of serial teases for in AquamanMid-credits scene. Despite a nasty fall from a cliff, Black Manta (aka David Kane) is surprisingly still okay. Dr. Stephen Shin, played by Randall Park (Always be my maybe) secured Black Manta’s suit. The two make a deal – Shin will help Kane get revenge on Aquaman if Kane leads him to Atlantis. While it is unclear whether Park will be returning for Aquaman 2Wan told Polygon in December 2018 that he hoped the actor would return.
Shazam !: Anger of the Gods: June 2nd
Shazam! Screenwriter Henry Gayden will return to write the script for the project. Director David F. Sandberg and producer Peter Safran will also return given the success of the first film. Zachary Levi and Asher Angel, who played Shazam and Billy Bastion respectively, are expected to return from along with the majority of the cast Shazam!.
And maybe even Sinbad?
Not much is known about the plot of the film, but there was a joke Shazam!‘s post-credit scene that may bear some fruit. After Dr. Thaddeus Silva was robbed of his power and thrown in prison, he is approached by an evil caterpillar of the mastermind – for many years Shazam! Comic villain Mister Mind. Sandberg told Polygon that he hopes to further deepen the magic of the comics in the sequel.
Black Adam
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has been linked with the name Black Adam since 2008 and fans have been eagerly awaiting Johnson’s takeover of the character. In January 2017, a standalone film by Black Adam was announced. Black Adam is one of Shazam’s archenemies, but in recent comic strip developments, the character has become more of an antihero.
In 2020, Warner Bros. announced this Black Adam will also be an introduction to several members of the Justice Society and older Justice League incarnations, including Hawkman, Doctor Fate, Atom Smasher, and Cyclone.
Wonder woman 3
Wonder Woman has spent a lot of time in the past. between her first DC Extended Universe solo film, Wonder woman take place during the Second World War and Wonder Woman 1984 takes place in … well, the 1980s. Wonder woman Director and co-writer Patty Jenkins has announced that it will be the third film in the series Bring the heroine to the present.
“I have pretty clear plans for Wonder Woman 3,Jenkins said Vanity Fair in January. “If I [direct] whether or not, I see how her arc should end in my incarnation of Wonder woman. I have a great passion for that. “
John Cena will appear on an exclusive HBO Max TV series directed by James Gunn The suicide squad. Cena will repeat his role as a peacemaker, a kind of “douchey Captain America” that was one of the inspirations for Guardianis the comedian.
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