Peter Griffin from the animated Fox show family Guywas added Fourteen days recently. But he wasn’t the same chubby dad that fans knew from the series. Instead, he was transformed into a strange, ripped version of Peter Griffin. And now series creator and Griffin voice actor Seth MacFarlane has apparently revealed why the change was made.
Last month: Epic’s popular battle royale Fourteen days ended his blockbuster OG season and began Chapter: Season 1. And as part of this new season Peter Griffin
Still those actually Reason why the family Guy Star is Different has nothing to do with meowscles or slurping juice. Instead, as revealed in a January 11th video interview with IGNMacFarlane claimed the change was because Epic “didn’t have the budget to create his actual body.”
I’m not entirely sure MacFarlane is joking. He doesn’t seem to be. But if that’s the case, it seems strange that Epic Games can’t afford to make a big Peter Griffin. It’s also possible that MacFarlane admits in the same interview that he doesn’t know what Fourteen days is and has to ask someone to explain it to him – didn’t fully understand Epic’s explanation. Perhaps the developers meant that the game’s performance budget was limited or that resources for skins in the update were limited. I also have to imagine that a precise Peter Griffin would be too big a target and would be unbalanced for the PvP modes Fourteen days.
Oh, and at the end of this interview, MacFarlane interrupts himself when he’s talking about how Epic put Peter’s head on another body and starts discussing a TV program Cover with Oprah’s face on another woman’s body. It’s literally him doing a cutaway gag in real life.
After he’s done that, perhaps noticing that no one else was laughing or knowing what he was talking about, he ends the conversation with a sad, “Does anyone else remember that?” The whole moment had great “Please clap” Vibes.
Anyway, yes, the blame for Epic having no budget (apparently) is that Peter Griffin is a bloated monster Fourteen days.