Infinity Nikki's seven different currencies, explained

With tons of stylish clothes to put on and a huge overworld to explore, Infinity Nikki Offers lots of fun and sightseeing. But make no mistake, this still is Play until a with limited cosmetics and the rare chance to get them. And another gacha hallmark that goes hand in hand is juggling multiple currencies. Infinity Nikki is no exception here.

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Infinity Nikki has seven different currencieseach having specific uses. In addition to all the other mechanics and features, this is a lot of information to remember. It's an abrupt surprise for a game that otherwise bills itself as cold and cozy. However, there is no need to worry! We've got you covered with a breakdown of each currency in the instrument Infinity Nikki along with their uses and how to get them.


Nikki points out a pair of floating bling on a roof.

Screenshot: Fold Games/Kotaku

Bling is the only currency that technically does not stand with gacha banners. It can be used on the Surprise-O-Matic, a separate gacha mechanic that is accessible fairly early. Bling can be used to purchase items and materials from merchants you encounter in the game. Upgrading outfits and the Heart of Infinity Knots also depend on it.

Bling is the currency you accumulate the most in terms of quantity. While everything else is collected in the hundreds and thousands, you can eventually surpass millions of bling. But in the game, items and stuff get pretty expensive, so it works. . And don't be surprised if you have to farm another Bling in the endgame.

In addition to Quest Rewards, Bling can be found throughout the open world. You are bound to find a lot simply by going out and exploring. The exchange of materials for some in the area of ​​escalation is the point of contact for you later.


The Diamond tab in the store, showing the options for using Resonite Crystals and Revelation Crystals.

Screenshot: Fold Games/Kotaku

Perhaps the most important of all currencies, Diamond is used to purchase both Resonite and Revelation Crystals, which are needed to draw the Permanent and Limited Banners respectively. They can also be used to replenish vital energy, but I recommend only using them for Revelation Crystals.

You won't find any diamonds out in the wild, but there are plenty of ways to earn a tiny amount here and there. By activating Warp Spiers and Opening Chests it gives you a nice amount early on. Play some more and you will get them to pick up, complete quests and do various challenges. Whether you're an F2P user or someone with a wallet that's getting more and more connected.


The stellarite tab in the store showing the different bundles in the <img alt=.99 and .99 range." data-chomp-id="9d3d52370957b9dfe1a9b5ebac4d613e" data-format="jpg" data-height="1080" data-ALT = "Die stellaritische Registerkarte im Geschäft zeigt die verschiedenen Bündel von 0,99 bis 99,99 US -Dollar." Data-anim-src = "" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-lazy-src=",q_60 ,w_645/9d3d52370957b9dfe1a9b5ebac4d613e.jpg"/>

Screenshot: Fold Games/Kotaku

Stellarite is the only premium currency in Infinity Nikkiwhich means you have to spend real money to get these. They can then be applied directly to special outfits or some feature packs containing HP recovery items. The more common use is to convert them into diamonds at a one-to-one ratio. Although you can't withdraw your real money directly for the Gacha banners, you only need to transfer a few currencies to do just that.

Remember that Stellarite can only be obtained with real money. You should not hold out hope that they will offer these in events or through special redeemable codes. The next currencies are what you might see in these situations.

Resonite crystal

The permanent Distant Sea Banner that requires Resonite Crystals. It shows four different looks for Nikki.

Screenshot: Fold Games/Kotaku

Infinity NikkiThe primary gacha banners are drawn through two types of crystals. Resonite crystals are specifically used for the permanent television banner. The outfits you can achieve here won't leave, so you don't have to feel too urgent when it comes to pulling for this banner.

Your main method of obtaining these crystals is by trading other currencies, namely Diamonds, Increasing EBB, and Tranquility Droplets. You can also earn a few here and there by progressing through your Stylist Rank, Mira Level, or the Mira Journey Battle Pass free path. Pay attention to any upcoming events as they may also give some as rewards.

Revelation Crystal

The limited-time thriving fantasy banner that requires Revelation Crystals. It features a fairy look and another carrying a camera.

Screenshot: Fold Games/Kotaku

This brings us to the second and arguably more valuable crystal. Revelation Crystals are used to retract the banners with a limited time. Just like any other gacha, the idea will be to get as many of them as possible before using them all to hopefully get the item you want.

There are temporary codes to include and the occasional mail reward that some Revelation Crystals offer. Otherwise, you can get them by exchanging with other currencies or through the paid track of Mira Travel. If you want to share but aren't sure which crystals to choose, I recommend focusing on Revelation Crystals. The fact that these are only used for limited-time banners makes them inherently more valuable.

On a related note, you may also be wondering what the time-limited revelation crystals with events are. Limited-time Revelation Crystals work the same as the regular ones, but they will expire at the end of the current banner. This is not a common mechanic among gachas, although one of the developer's previous works had this feature. I suggest using these before they expire. Even if the banner doesn't interest you, it's better to use them to get new items than let them go to waste.

Calm droplets

The tab

Screenshot: Fold Games/Kotaku

Whenever you draw from a banner and get a double three-star outfit piece, you'll get Tranquility Droplets instead. They have a dedicated tab in the Resonance Shop filled with materials and potions. The catch is that each item on this tab has a monthly limit that you can purchase. Other than that, the best things you can buy with them are Resonite or Revelation Crystals.


The emerging low tide tab in the store. The first seven items, including crystals, are not limited.

Screenshot: Fold Games/Kotaku

This currency works similarly to the previous one. Whenever you draw from a banner and get a double four-star or five-star outfit piece, you gain an increasing EBB. These also have a resonance store tab, but with different items and a handful of them have no limit. Yes, you can exchange these for an unlimited amount of Crystals. Just don't expect to see this currency too often. Four-star and five-star outfit pieces are rarer and therefore rarer to get duplicates of.

For as cozy as Infinity Nikki You will still feel like an accountant from Gacha with all these different currencies. The good news is that there is no crazy combat or metas in this game. You can take it at your own pace and arrive with only all the fresh and elegant clothes acquired during your trip. Play the game and grind for what you want, but take some time to just ride a few bikes and make it look cute.


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