Scott Pilgrim anime on Netflix is ​​not getting a second season

Geralt of Sanctuary

Scott Pilgrim anime on Netflix is ​​not getting a second season

anime, Bryan Lee, Bryan Lee O'Malley, culture, Entertainment, Gideon, Kenneth Shepard, matthew, my city, Netflix, Pilgrim, Plum tree, Scott, Scott Pilgrim, Season, you

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Picture: Netflix

Scott Pilgrim Series creator Bryan Lee O’Malley announced that the Netflix adaptation of the popular franchise would not receive a second season, confirming what many fans had already suspected.

Released on Netflix in November 2023, Scott Pilgrim takes off is an eight-part animated series based on O’Malley’s best-selling graphic novels. The series does not directly follow the plot of the novels, but brings the cast of the 2010 live-action adaptation back together to voice their film characters in the series. My cityKenneth Shepard called it a “hilarious mix of that [franchise’s] Quick wit and thoughtful references to pop culture.” Unfortunately, the series will not have a second season.

On November 20thon the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the premiere of Scott Pilgrim takes offSeries creator O’Malley tweeted that it was “an honor to work with all the cast and staff around the world” and called the series “a one-of-a-kind wonder.” The creator also confirmed that Netflix had recently released a second season of the animated adaptation.

“Anyway, we were recently informed that the show will not be returning,” O’Malley said. “As you know, we only had one season planned and called on a lot of favors to make this happen. Therefore, it would have been almost impossible to create more. Still, I know some of you are hopeful.”

“Sorry to all the Matthew and Gideon fans, I know you will suffer the most.” O’Malley added in a follow-up to the tweet confirming the news that there will be no second season.

While some fans were upset about the Netflix show and its major departure from the original graphic novels, many others were happy to see a new story featuring these characters. For now, it appears to be the end of this chapter of the franchise, despite a post-credits scene in the final episode of Scott Pilgrim takes off.


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