The popular Scott Pilgrim comic series is set to receive another media adaptation. This time it’s an anime series produced by Netflix and UCP, a division of the Universal Studio Group that created it The Umbrella Academy and Chucky. The comic’s original creator, Bryan Lee O’Malley, will co-write and produce the show with BenDavid Grabinski, who was the showrunner at Nickelodeon’s revival of. worked Are you afraid of the dark?
Polygon confirmed the news with sources.
The show is animated by Science SARU who created Devilman crybaby. Edgar Wright, the director of the 2012 film adaptation Scott pilgrim against the world
Scott pilgrim against the world will return to theaters along with a 4K UHD Blu-Ray re-release of the film to celebrate its 10th anniversary.
The Scott Pilgrim comics follow the fantastic adventures of a dead band member named Scott Pilgrim. The first installment, Scott Pilgrim’s precious little life, was released in 2004. From then on, the series became a hit and a worldwide phenomenon. It even got two video game spinoffs. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game also got a new edition in 2021.