Imagine for a moment a precision platformer that not only looks amazing and is elegantly designed, but is also accessible to ordinary people. Dizzy? It is possible! I found it! It is Great cable boy.
I understand the purpose of precision platform games. They are intended for a select group of people whose gaming skills far exceed my own. You wwith the skill of the ballerina Fighter pilots, how they line up delicately balletically Maneuver through incredibly small gaps in incredibly difficult games. I respect that very much. I’m just not one of them and I often feel a bit sad when so many great looking platform games just don’t want people like me to come in.
Great cable boy is about the adventures of a little Game Boy-like character who has to jump, jump and swing through levels to reach power sockets and what appears to be a multitude of levels to merge into a connected network. And if he chooses it that way, he can make it a lot harder for himself by trying to pick one up Onigiri on the go.
That’s the genius twist here. These levels can be simple. Sometimes it’s too easy, you might say before you even remember you decided to do it. Or they can be far more tricky if you’re willing to take the more complicated and treacherous routes that lead to the rice balls and then carry the extra burden of getting to the end point with them. Every mistake resets the level, which happens in no time. However, your eyes will be closed and the palms of your hands in bitter frustration that you screwed up all over again and now it is time to decide if you are going to try Onigiri run again or just take the easy route.
It certainly helps that art is also very special. This one man development team did something clever here – it remind the Game Boy aesthetic while feeling like something much more modern. Oddly enough, this is never better than in the level selection menu, where it spins in the most spectacular way. This cannot be taken away from the levels themselves at all.
You can search for Great cable boy above on Steam for $ 15. There is a lot to enjoy and I absolutely loved my time with it. But ballerina fighter pilots watch out: this is for the rest of us.