The Flash Movie Trainwreck hits a new low

Flash is seen looking at something above with a shocked expression on his face.

Picture: Warner Bros.

The Lightning was a disaster for DC and Warner Bros. The Ezra Miller-directed superhero film secures a record as one of the biggest box office flops in business. There are many factors that have brought us to this point, but Warner Bros. attempts to squeeze money out of the film before restarting the DC cinematic universe once again have hit a new low: the blockchain.

Warner Bros. Digital Collectibles, the company’s official NFT/Web3 division, announced today that it is launching The Flash Web3 movie experiencethe first “new” film to be released on WB Blockchain nonsense service after having similar “experiences” for older films as released The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and that 1978 superman Movie. The limited edition Flash The experience includes strange interactive environments that you can swipe around on your phone based on locations from the film, as well as digital collectibles like maps and models. Included in the whole deal is a digital copy of the film, access to bonus features, and all the normal stuff one would expect from buying a film through a digital service.

None of these things are inherently objectionable, but when all come with a manufactured scarcity based on a market that has already done so Come and goit smacks of desperation to turn a profit on a film that has hit the usual markets as a bomb.

There are many reasons for that The Lightning take a dive. In addition to Miller’s frequent visit Controversies and Actual CrimesDC has already announced it Rebooting his cinematic universe once again under The Suicide Squad Developer James Gunnand is still releasing a film in a defunct continuity. It also sounds like the movie is fair not that spectacularand the fans had some pretty good live action Flash series for almost a decade. I think we’re just fine with the scarlet speedster these days, and all things considered, people just didn’t show up. And I’d be very, very surprised if a Web3 experience changed that.

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