Bungie Announces Crucible Matchmaking Changes

The Boss

Bungie Announces Crucible Matchmaking Changes

announces, Bungie, Crucible, matchmaking

If it has happened to you that you play Crucible in Destiny 2 only to be ‘destroyed’ by a team clearly more skilled than yours, then you have been the victim of a bad matchup. Would you like them to change that system so that you can play with people of your same skill level? That’s what Bungie wants to achieve and that’s why he announced how he plans to improve this.

Currently, the game uses a matchmaking system based on connection quality to choose who we are facing and ensure that there will be no drops or ‘lag’ during a match. As of season 18, Destiny 2 will begin to implement a skill-based matchmaking system so that we will match up with teams that we have a chance of winning against in Crucible. But they also want the quality of the connection in the games to be maintained.

This system will begin to be implemented in a “light” way to Control mode during Season 18. Bungie will be adjusting it little by little based on the data they see from the matches to finally have it ready in Season 19.

In Destiny 2 Season 18 we will have a new matchmaking system for Crucible that will take into account the skill of the players.

Although the priority will continue to be given to the quality of the connection, this new system will not put us against anyone simply because they have good internet. The adjustments that they will be making are intended to find a balance between the skills of the players, the quality of their connection and the time spent waiting to find matches.

You can learn more about it by reading the official bungie blog.

We’ll be able to test out this new Crucible skill-based matchmaking system when Season 18 hits Destiny 2 . That will happen on Tuesday, August 23, 2022. This season a raid from the past will return.

In the meantime, keep enjoying the season of the tormented.

Fuente: Bungie’s official blog

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