Fifteen days ago SNK announced that Kula Diamond would be the third member of “Team Krohnen” in KOF XV, now the Japanese developer has released the latest character trailer for The King of Fighters XV starring Elisabeth Blanctorche. Elisabeth, or Betty as Ash Crimson calls her, arrives at KOF XV to complete the “Team Ash” in the company of Kukri and complete the base list of teams in the game. so it’s time to find out who the last descendant of the Blanctorche family is and how she fights.
Who is Elisabeth Blanctorche?
Elisabeth Blanctorche (エリザベート ブラントルシュ), or the “blue lightning” as it is also known, debuted in The King of Fighters XI. Elisabeth spent her childhood in the company of Ash Crismón and his servants, since a terrible accident eliminated her family. She is the last descendant of a family of French nobles who are destined to fight evil and protect the Sacred Treasures from the “devils” commanded by Saiki.
How does Elisabeth Blanctorche fight in The King of Fighters XV?
Elizabeth Blanctorche has come to The King of Fighters XV with a move list similar to his last appearance in KOF XI. So in KOF XV, ElizaBeth will continue to fight at close range using her whip as a weapon combined with moves from the French martial art known as Savate.
Additionally, the latest presentation trailer for KOF XV starring Elizabeth Blanctorche reveals the “Climax” move that this character will have in the SNK game. In this Elizabeth movement, very much in the style of Uryū Ishida from Bleach, creates a bow and attacks his opponent with an arrow of light.
Now it only remains to know what are the DLC characters of KOF XV and see what o ther surprises SNK has in store for fighting game fans. If you want to know how much the DLC characters of The King of Fighters XV
How many characters will it have? KOF XV?
During 2020 and 2021, the Japanese developer SNK began revealing the 39 playable characters and equipment that will be available from the launch of KOF XV. We have dedicated a space for each of them:
What are the teams present in KOF XV?
- Hero (Shun’ei, Meitenkun y Benimaru Nikaido)
- Rival (Isla, Dolores and Heidern)
- Sacred Treasures (Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami y Chizuru Kagura)
- Orochi (Yashiro Nanakase, Shermie and Chris)
- G.A.W (Antonov, Ramón y King of Dinosaurs)
- Super Heroine (Athena Asamiya, Mai Shiranui y Yuri Sakazaki)
- Secret Agent (Blue Mary, Vannesa y Luong)
- Ikari (Ralf Jones, Clark Steel y Leona Heidern)
- Fatal Fury (Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard y Joe Higashi)
- Art of Fighting (Ryo Sakaszaki, Robert Garcia y King)
- K’ (K’, Maxima and Whip)
- Kronen (Kronen, Kula Diamond y Angel)
- Ash (Kukri, Ash Crimsom and Elisabeth Blanctorche)
When does it come out The King of Fighters XV (KOF XV)?
SNK fans who are looking forward to finding out when it comes out KOF XV can rest because KOF XV will be available worldwide on Thursday, February 17, 2022. However, players who own the ‘Deluxe’ edition of The King of Fighters XV (KOF XV) may from Monday, February 14, 2022.
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At PS5 we have a special fondness for fighting games. Thus, we have a wide variety of relevant articles for fans of Shin Nihon Kikaku’s flagship fighting game franchise.
Fountain: SNK Twitter account
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