During the Resident Evil Showcase Capcom announced, in addition to the fourth trailer of Resident Evil Village (RE8) and to new sneak peek of CGI series Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, that the “Mercenaries” mode would be back as an extra mode in Resident Evil Village.
What will the “Mercenaries” mode of Resident Evil Village (RE8)?
The “Mercenaries” mode included in RE8 follows the same concept that has made this extra so beloved since its debut in Resident Evil 3 for PlayStation. So again we will have to survive through maps or areas trying to get the best score before time runs out. However, this time Capcom has included news.
Thanks to the trailer shown in the Resident Evil Showcase we have seen that in the new mode “The Mercenaries”, players will be able to buy items that enhance our characters and improvements for weapons. This thanks to the inclusion of “El Duque” in the “Los Mercenarios” mode of Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village (RE8) is coming May 7 to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, and PC.
Fountain: Resident Evil Showcase en YouTube, Press release