Hi there! I'm Josh from Raredrop Games, a studio that builds Warborn – our mecha-based tactical response game, known as Variable Armor. Today I am so excited to be able to share with you the release date of the game, which is June 12. So soon you'll be able to join the Battlefield and take over your army!
Warborn is set in the Auros system, where the acquisition of something known as Eionite provided the opportunity for rapid technological advancement. Expanding into space, conflicts over territory leave humanity divided, drawing the system into a time of war. This new year looks at the development of the "Variable Armor" (or VA), an upgraded weapon that is a human pilot that constantly changes the face of battle throughout the system.
The Warborn campaign sees it take this hit as one of four generals, each with their own goals and motivations. Conflicts between groups are high after a major war and new threats are starting to emerge. As a commander you will be deploying your Armor forces to evolve around the solar system, from the planet Cerulia to the space colonies in Nepalis.
Gameplay is rooted, rotating back and forth between your opponent. In your turn you will have the goal of completing various mission objectives by directing your Armor's flexible units on the battlefield, summoning reinforcements from the offensive, and issuing orders to engage the enemy.
After moving the unit you will be presented with different abilities for each type of Armor Armor. These skills allow you to take action, attack an enemy, capture units or assist assassins depending on the capabilities of a particular Armor's ever-changing array. When the enemy is in your sights and you have chosen the ability to attack, the guard map will pass and evolve into a good combat sequence.
Warborn is a turn-based tactical game but there are some things you will get used to if you like tactical games too, such as shooting agencies to get resources and using those resources to deploy new units of Armor Armable. If we took the game and showed it, players have often replied that Warborn is easy to pick up and play, which I think is great. But for those who want more depth, there are plenty of advanced programs that you don't know for maximum power!
A good example of this is the security rating system. As you learn more about the capabilities of each adaptive Armor you will be able to identify attack abilities divided into three types of damage: kinetic, power and explosive. Flexible Armor Units have different levels of protection against these types of attacks, so knowing which one to use against an enemy Armor Armable will give you a edge in battle.
In addition to a single-player campaign, Warborn also features a fitness mode where you can play against a computer with custom game settings, or if you feel competing and we support a lot of online players. If you want to get creative, the full map editor is also included with the game and you can play your own custom maps against AI or other players in multiplayer games.
It's really fun to be able to talk about Warborn here, so thank you for taking the time to read my post. If you enjoy Turn-based strategy games as much as I do, please take a look at Warborn when it launches June 12 on PS4.