Articles for tag: avoid, Making, mistakes, News and Updates, , tips, WhatsApp


4 tips to avoid making mistakes

4 tips to avoid making mistakes

Related news In recent years, communication has changed so few times in human history. In Europe, we have seen how platforms such as Facebook or WhatsApp have become hegemonic. At first, they were only used to replace old cats or to share photos of our daily life. However, little by little, a use for which ...


How to avoid notifications while sharing iPhone or iPad screen

How to avoid notifications while sharing iPhone or iPad screen

Currently, there are various needs that require us to share our iPhone screens. Either for something work or to show something when interacting with another person, screen sharing is becoming common. Therefore, it is important to keep some personal data in reserve when performing this action. For example, opinion. FaceTime and third-party apps are starting ...


Dune: Denis Villeneuve’s film prefers to avoid James Bond

Dune: Denis Villeneuve’s film prefers to avoid James Bond

News culture Dune: Denis Villeneuve’s film prefers to avoid James Bond Published on 06/28/2021 12:13 PM Directed by Denis Villeneuve and apparently based on Frank Herbert’s novel, Dune will be long overdue than expected, at least in North America. A change due to the traffic jam at the exits and probably due to the new ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Frontiers of Pandora cannot avoid ray tracing

Frontiers of Pandora cannot avoid ray tracing

2:45 Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is premiering at E3 The new avatar game Frontiers of Pandora from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment (The Division 2) was visually one of the most impressive titles of this year’s E3, as the trailer above shows. To make this possible, the developers rely on ray tracing without compromise. Technical Director ...


Why is the iPhone or iPad getting so hot?  So you can avoid it

Why is the iPhone or iPad getting so hot? So you can avoid it

One IPhone overheating can be dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. It is true that in more or less demanding tasks, the iPhone processor and battery can overheat, but if you find that it is excessive, you need to be careful. This is one of the reasons why iPhone may turn off and ...


Ubisoft wants to avoid making the same mistakes as cyberpunk

Ubisoft wants to avoid making the same mistakes as cyberpunk

Since yesterday’s presentation Far Cry 6 makes a lot of talking about him. Between those who are seduced and others who are more skeptical, the title divides like any future heading. As such, the game’s lead gameplay designer put players at ease. In fact, Ubisoft doesn’t want its future hit to suffer the same setbacks ...