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Geralt of Sanctuary

Imagine Animal Crossing characters as if they were human

Imagine Animal Crossing characters as if they were human

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has conquered veteran players as well as new ones. And it's being an escape route to get through confinement. Yes, not only are graduations held in Minecraft, but also weddings on the island canceled by the health crisis. Nintendo has got create a parallel life and that we get up early ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Functional Beta: Which characters should you find first

Functional Beta: Which characters should you find first

AllowedClosed beta comes with five Agents unlocked as soon as you get the game. The other five characters must be unlocked, either through Agent Unlocks, or by completing their individual contracts. But completing Contracts can be a big time commitment, so it's important to choose the right character before you can achieve progress. Here are ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

PS5 Controller Think Like Good Characters And With Humanity

PS5 Controller Think Like Good Characters And With Humanity

There is a history of fans rethinking the comfort game as a people. Usually, they turn into anime girls, which happens to be irresistible with DualSense, but in this case, the PlayStation 5 controller is also transformed into beautiful characters. Let's look at more! G / O Media may receive a commission Controller first announced ...