Articles for tag: committing, common, crime, Gta, Punish

The Boss

Charging your phone: 3 common mistakes

Charging your phone: 3 common mistakes

We have to charge our smartphones every day and do it so often that it has almost become a matter of course. But it should be remembered that even when charging, errors can occur and damage the device in the long term. You may already know that it's not ideal to charge your device to ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

The open world map size bucks a common trend

The open world map size bucks a common trend

The Witcher 4's game world will be based on Part 3. (Bonus points if you guess which area the map section shows) Since the Game Awards the cat has been out of the bag. The new Witcher will actually be called The Witcher 4 and Geralt's foster daughter Ciri will take over the silver sword ...