Articles for tag: Android, chats, defines, family, feature, Friends, Instant messaging, list, Mobile apps, News and Updates, Spain, tips, WhatsApp, work


the new feature that defines the list of chats by family, work or friends

the new feature that defines the list of chats by family, work or friends

Last year the most installed chat application in Europe finally included chat filters so that at first they could be filtered by everyone, unread and groups, but it even included a novelty more interesting and useful: personalized WhatsApp lists. These personalized lists are very useful, because they allow you to group contacts by family, work, ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

SteamWorld Heist 2 defines multi-classing in tactical RPGs

SteamWorld Heist 2 defines multi-classing in tactical RPGs

In tactical RPGs, it’s easy to fall into a familiar rhythm. You’ll always want to take on missions with your ranged attacker, your melee attacker, and maybe some sort of support class. These classes usually get ultra-powerful abilities to help them do what they do best. But rarely do you see games where a single ...


Kamiya defines the Okami development team as “weak” in general

Kamiya defines the Okami development team as “weak” in general

There seems to be some news regarding the great Okami. The franchise could continue in the future, according to recent statements. Specific, Hideki Kamiyawho has worked on projects such as Viewtiful Joe and Okami, has already expressed his interest in returning to these franchises in the past. Now he has offered interesting details about his ...


“I want it to be worthy of the posthumous work of Akira Toriyama and Koichi Sugiyama”: This is how Yuji Horii defines Dragon Quest XII

“I want it to be worthy of the posthumous work of Akira Toriyama and Koichi Sugiyama”: This is how Yuji Horii defines Dragon Quest XII

A few months ago we received worrying news about Dragon Quest XII and now we have more details about this installment of Dragon Quest. It seems that the development of Dragon Quest XII continues, after the changes last April. In this case, it has been confirmed that, in celebration of “Dragon Quest Day”, Yuji Horii, ...