Articles for tag: Animal, browser, Crossing, developed, Fans, game, Horizons, Island, lets, plan

The Boss


Showa Denko developed HAMR containers to achieve 80 TB HDD

As we have seen in other articles, two of the world's top companies have placed their strong bet on different technologies that aim to achieve the same goal. HAMR vs MAMR vs ePMR It is news where we are being imported from last year and the first HDDs have come into the business market with ...


Anointed is being developed with the Xbox One in mind

One of the special Xbox games introduced with the previous X019, was Obsidian Entertainment's new project, Grared. The game of its development extends to a limited number of people, with a well-defined purpose of making a multi-player adventure. And with that, it has been thought that Combined will be one of those games aimed at ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

In Mythgard, Monsters Developed the Earth

Fine artFine artFine Art is a celebration of the work of video game artists, showcasing the best of their professional and personal portfolios. If you are in business and have some art you would like to share, get in touch! Mythgard is a digital card game that, like many other digital card games, uses a ...