Articles for tag: Birthday, dubbed, Fans, Gay, Grimace, icon, McDonalds

McDonald’s fans have dubbed Grimace a gay icon for his birthday

McDonald’s fans have dubbed Grimace a gay icon for his birthday

according to a McDonald’s Marketing Promotion, it’s Grimace the furry purple mascot’s birthday. The main trick (or Grimmick?) is to introduce a new purple shake as part of the limited edition “Grimace’s birthday dinner.” But social media users have applauded the event, calling Grimace a proud icon and a loved one. Some TikTokers have appeared ...


It Takes Two is dubbed in Spanish

It Takes Two is dubbed in Spanish

The GOTY 2021 winner It Takes Two receives voiceovers in four different languages, including Spanish. The nice cooperative game of Hazelight Studios there electronic arts finally gets something fans have been waiting for a long time. It’s just your Dubbing in Spanish, which arrives more than a year after the release of the game. And ...

The Boss

Like a Dragon: Ishin is not dubbed in English

Like a Dragon: Ishin is not dubbed in English

like dragons: they are The voiceover will only be in Japanese, which means people in Western markets will have to accept English subtitles. Yokoyama said in an interview with Tojo Dojo that the reason the studio didn’t choose an English dub came down to “the way people talked in the end of the era.” Like ...

The Boss

Dying Light 2 is dubbed into Latin Spanish, here are some of the voices

Dying Light 2 is dubbed into Latin Spanish, here are some of the voices

After years of waiting, Dying Light 2: Stay Human is finally available worldwide. Multiple dangers await players as they venture into The City, the last bastion of humanity. Although the infected will continue to be a risk, especially at night, they will not be the only concern. Ultimately, players will inevitably find themselves drawn into ...


Will the Halo TV series be dubbed in French anytime soon?

Will the Halo TV series be dubbed in French anytime soon?

At the Game Awards 2021, Microsoft shared an exciting first trailer for its TV series gloriole. A series that will appear on Paramount + in the US this year and its availability in France remains hypothetical. But afterwards hope is now clearly allowed a post that reminds of David Kruger, the voice of the Master ...

The Boss

Final Fantasy 16 was dubbed in English before Japanese

Final Fantasy 16 was dubbed in English before Japanese

Dom PepyatJuly 26, 2021 14:44 GMT Final Fantasy 16 Producer Naoki Yoshida clarified that the game prioritizes British English as the main language, and Japanese dubbing will be processed in the post-development phase. If you are a fan of Final Fantasy, you will know that these games are usually Japanese first; in the past, they ...

The Boss

The HIDIVE platform will present the dubbed version of Chihayafuru

The HIDIVE platform will present the dubbed version of Chihayafuru

Following the recent announcement of the release of the dubbed version of Chihayafuru in domestic format, HIDIVE arrived to cover the streaming. The third season of the popular Japanese traditional card game series, Karuta, has long been in the history books, but its version dubbed into English was severely delayed due to various circumstances. But ...