Articles for tag: Everspace, Expansion, Review, Titans, Worth

Geralt of Sanctuary

Is the Everspace 2: Titans expansion worth it? review

Is the Everspace 2: Titans expansion worth it? review

Have you ever been inside a whale? Most people would probably say no unless it’s Pinocchio or part of a biblical fable. But I do it. Not literally, of course, but I’ve been delving into the new expansion for Everspace 2 called Titans. I loved the main game and was really excited to see if ...


EVERSPACE 2: A decade of interstellar space shooters

EVERSPACE 2: A decade of interstellar space shooters

ROCKFISH Games celebrates a decade of developing interstellar space shooters. ROCKFISH Games is celebrating 10 years of development and self-publishing of popular space shooters, making it a flagship for successful indie studios in the German video game industry. Since its founding in 2014, the studio has released multiple titles in the EVERSPACE series on PC, ...


Everspace 2 is coming to consoles on August 15

Everspace 2 is coming to consoles on August 15

Rockfish gamesdeveloper of Eternal Space 2, announces the arrival of this PC exclusive to next-gen consoles. In Everspace 2 we will explore the solar systems In addition, we will fight in space in spectacular battles. We’ll be able to customize our ships and present all kinds of powerful weapons. Eternal ...