Articles for tag: artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Human, image, Input, News and novelties, Text, understands, works


Horace Analysis – A robot with a human soul

Horace Analysis – A robot with a human soul

Horace will learn human behavior based on leaps and experiences, with its faults and qualities Do you remember a novel and/or a movie called bicentennial man? It tells the story of a robot that acquires human awareness and critical thinking by interacting with people. A science fiction story that tells us virtues and defects of ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

What are your video game resolutions for 2023?

What are your video game resolutions for 2023?

The first thing someone says in Edith Wharton’s 1924 novella “New Year” is “she was bad…always.” Although nothing I do will fascinate me quite like Lizzie Hazeldean, who horrified Wharton’s fictional New York high society with her affair of “running out of the Fifth Avenue Hotel on New Year’s Day with all these women dressed ...