Articles for tag: break, In video games, Internet, my city, Playstation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 5, PS2, PS239s, PS3, PS4, records, Roblox, Role play, Sniper Elite, Technology, Walmart, wildest

Geralt of Sanctuary

The makers of Killer7 still want to make a sequel

The makers of Killer7 still want to make a sequel

Picture: Capcom If you had hope for the crazy 2005 action game for almost two decades, Killer7 to make some kind of return, then you are not alone. It turns out that the original creators of the game, Grasshopper production‘s Goichi Suda (aka Suda51) and Shinji Mikami (from resident Evil Fame) also want to bring ...

GTA III blew Dominic Monaghan away in 2002

GTA III blew Dominic Monaghan away in 2002

Actor Dominic Monaghan wasn’t a big gamer as a child, but that changed when he first played Rock Stars Grand Theft Auto III on PS2. The open-world crime simulator simply blew him away and showed how far games have come from Pac Man. 23 years later, the influence of GTA III is still unavoidable In ...

Obi-Wan is stuck on the Xbox

Obi-Wan is stuck on the Xbox

There is a war of stars game out there that is hard to play in 2024 because for some reason it remains trapped on the hard to emulate OG Xbox, with no official remakes, remasters, or backwards compatibility support. This game is Star Wars: Obi Wan. Why this under-the-radar AAA title is more than just ...